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Best CBD:THC Ratio For Multiple Sclerosis

There’s no cure for MS, but CBD & THC may be able to help.

Learn how to use CBD & THC & discover which ratio is best for MS symptoms.

Article By
Daily CBD , last updated on November 23, 2021

CBD and THC work together to reduce neuropathic pain and spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

A CBD:THC ratio with equal parts CBD to THC may help with a few of the side effects of MS. Between the entourage effect and the benefits of both CBD and THC for MS, the combination of both CBD and THC increases efficacy and amplifies pain relief.

Here’s what you need to know about taking CBD:THC ratio products for MS.

Illustration of a human neurone.

Benefits of CBD & THC Ratios For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is caused by intense nerve damage, muscle weakness, and chronic pain in patients. CBD and THC are effective treatments for both relieving MS pain and reducing muscle spasms that cause further discomfort.

A 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC has shown in multiple studies to reduce spasticity in MS patients [1].

While the CBD works to reduce inflammation, calm your muscles, and relax your nervous system, the THC relaxes muscular tissue and relieves pain.

CBD and THC are helpful for MS patients in more ways than one. You can also use CBD:THC ratio products to improve your sleep, get longer rest, and ease neuropathic pain during the night [2].

The pain associated with MS is often due to nerve damage, which has been treated with CBD and THC in many clinical trials. CBD is believed to interact with the α3-glycine receptors, which determine how we feel pain, to reduce inflammation that causes neuropathic pain [3].

While CBD alone may be an effective treatment for MS muscle spasms, combining it with THC gives you further relief and harnesses the entourage effect.

The entourage effect is the phenomenon where CBD, and other cannabinoids, are more efficient and effective when accompanied by other cannabinoids that naturally occur in cannabis plants.

When you take CBD and THC together, you give both compounds the utmost chance of performing well, maximizing your pain relief and easing your spasms all at once.

How CBD & THC Compare To Other MS Medications

Living with MS is challenging not just because of the pain, loss of vision, fatigue, and related symptoms. It’s also a challenging diagnosis because the treatments often come with a host of side effects.

MS is commonly treated with chemotherapy, steroids, and immunosuppressive drugs. We certainly aren’t advocating for using CBD or THC to treat your MS in place of the medications your doctor has prescribed you.

However, CBD and THC can effectively mitigate some of the side effects of those medications while also offering you pain relief and an evidenced reduction in spasticity. If you experience nausea, loss of appetite, or pain due to your other MS medications, CBD and THC may be able to help.

Make sure to always ask your doctor about potential interactions with other medications.

Best CBD:THC Ratio For MS & How To Dose

The best CBD:THC ratio for MS is 1:1, meaning equal parts CBD to THC. While you can up the CBD or THC in this ratio to fit your needs, it’s important to get a healthy dose of both compounds.

To dose your CBD:THC ratio, decide how strong you want your CBD dose to be. Then, use our dosage calculator to figure out the mg of CBD to take. Simply match it with the same mg of THC.

Most studies recommend treating MS with oral CBD and THC products, like gummies, oils, or sprays. If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legalized, it’s easy to find 1:1 ratio products at medical dispensaries.

use our dosage calculator to determine how much CBD you should take based on your weight and desired strength

Other CBD:THC Ratios

CBD and THC ratios are being explored in different combinations for a host of different symptoms and health conditions.

Even pharmaceutical companies like GW Pharma have entered the market with their own proprietary mixes of CBD and THC.

Here are some of the best CBD to THC ratios for managing or supporting various health conditions based on the current evidence available today:

Here are some of the other ratios to consider based on the current evidence available:

Final Thoughts: Best CBD:THC Ratio For MS

The best CBD:THC ratio for MS is 1:1, meaning equal parts CBD to THC.

This lets you harness the spasticity reduction from the CBD and get pain relief from the THC. You can also enjoy the entourage effect by taking these compounds together.

The combination of CBD and THC has shown clear reduction in muscle spasms, neuropathic pain, and sleep in patients with MS and other nerve-related disorders. It may even help you cope with the side effects of your other MS treatments.


  1. Lafaye, G., Karila, L., Blecha, L., & Benyamina, A. (2017). Cannabis, cannabinoids, and health. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 19(3), 309.
  2. Ware, M. A., Wang, T., Shapiro, S., Robinson, A., Ducruet, T., Huynh, T., … & Collet, J. P. (2010). Smoked cannabis for chronic neuropathic pain: a randomized controlled trial. Cmaj, 182(14), E694-E701.
  3. Argueta, D. A., Ventura, C. M., Kiven, S., Sagi, V., & Gupta, K. (2020). A balanced approach for cannabidiol use in chronic pain. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11, 561.

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