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Best CBD:THC Ratio for Fibromyalgia

The combination of CBD and THC can help mitigate pain, anxiety, and poor sleep related to fibromyalgia and its symptoms. Here’s what you need to know.

Article By
Daily CBD , last updated on November 23, 2021

CBD and THC work to reduce pain, ease anxiety, and level out moods in people with fibromyalgia. Although CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol) don’t treat the underlying cause of fibromyalgia (which is often unknown), they can relieve negative symptoms in some patients. 

These cannabinoids may also help patients who have endocannabinoid deficiencies (thought to be a cause for fibromyalgia). 

Here’s everything you need to know about the best CBD:THC ratio products for easing your fibromyalgia symptoms.

The Benefits of CBD & THC For Fibromyalgia Symptoms

The causes of fibromyalgia are largely unknown and likely differ between patients. People with fibromyalgia often experience widespread pain, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and depression.

Although there isn’t evidence that CBD and THC can treat the main causes of fibromyalgia — a tough metric to study given doctors’ difficulty nailing down the reasons fibromyalgia occurs — these cannabinoids can help in relieving the symptoms.

THC is a known and medically accepted pain reliever, and it works even better when taken in conjunction with CBD. Because of the entourage effect, both cannabinoids may be more effective when taken together.

Due to the emotional and mental distress fibromyalgia can cause, combining your THC with CBD is a good way to mitigate the psychological effects of getting high [1]. If you’re worried about feeling anxious or paranoid from THC, try pairing it with a bit of CBD.

CBD also works to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms like anxiety and fatigue. If you experience fatigue from fibromyalgia, some studies show that a small dose of CBD alone can make patients feel more alert [2].

When taken together, THC works to relieve pain and muscle soreness while the CBD works to ease anxiety. The combination can also be used to improve sleep, help you fall asleep faster, and help you sleep longer [3].

Some fibromyalgia patients have endocannabinoid deficiencies [4]. As cannabinoids, which interact with your endocannabinoid system, CBD and THC can improve your endocannabinoid levels.

Human hand holding a purple ribbon. Symbol for fibromyalgia awareness.

Taking CBD And THC With Other Fibromyalgia Medications

Common fibromyalgia medications include antidepressants and anti-seizure medication. It’s important to ask your doctor about introducing cannabinoids to your treatment plan due to any interactions with other medications you take.

If you’re on antidepressants for fibromyalgia, taking too much CBD can cause serotonin syndrome. This occurs when serotonin levels are much too high, and it can be extremely serious.

However, it’s safe to take CBD and THC with antidepressants — you just might want to opt for a lower dose of CBD.

Best CBD:THC Ratio For Fibromyalgia & How To Dose

The best CBD:THC ratio for fibromyalgia really depends on your personal preferences. If you’re concerned about getting high, opt for a lower THC ratio. 

Some fibromyalgia sufferers prefer ratios of 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1, meaning one or more parts CBD to each part THC.

Find your CBD:THC ratio dose by calculating your CBD dose using our dosage calculator. Then match up those mg with your THC product. 

CBD and THC gummies or oils make it easy to dose out your ratios with more precise measurements than smoking marijuana flower.

If that’s too much math for you, you can buy CBD:THC ratio products at your medical marijuana dispensary.

Other CBD:THC Ratios

The best ratio of CBD to THC is a hot topic lately. While we already have a lot of data available for the benefits of both these cannabinoids for certain conditions — there’s very little information about what the optimal ratio of each one is when used in conjunction.

As more research comes to light on the intricate synergy between these two compounds, scientists are uncovering insight into ways we can get even more effectiveness out of cannabis.

Here are some of the other optimal CBD to THC ratios based on the current evidence so far:

Final Thoughts: Best CBD:THC Ratio For Fibromyalgia

The best CBD:THC ratio for fibromyalgia is 1:1, with one or more parts CBD to each part THC.

This means you can enjoy the pain relief of the THC while easing the psychological effects of getting high. 

The CBD will also work to ease pain, and the combination will help you get better sleep. In all, taking CBD and THC won’t treat the underlying cause of fibromyalgia, but it can make it a bit easier to treat the symptoms and develop a healthier lifestyle with better sleep and less anxiety.

Additionally, if fibromyalgia turns out to be the result of endocannabinoid deficiencies, CBD and THC may ultimately be the best form of treatment for this condition. However, research on this is still in development. 


  1. Boggs, D. L., Nguyen, J. D., Morgenson, D., Taffe, M. A., & Ranganathan, M. (2018). Clinical and preclinical evidence for functional interactions of cannabidiol and Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(1), 142-154.
  2. Murillo-Rodríguez, E., Sarro-Ramírez, A., Sánchez, D., Mijangos-Moreno, S., Tejeda-Padrón, A., Poot-Aké, A., … & Arias-Carrión, O. (2014). Potential effects of cannabidiol as a wake-promoting agent. Current neuropharmacology, 12(3), 269-272.
  3. Lafaye, G., Karila, L., Blecha, L., & Benyamina, A. (2017). Cannabis, cannabinoids, and health. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 19(3), 309.

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