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Can CBD Cause Dry Mouth?

Do CBD supplements leave an unpleasant dryness in your mouth? Here’s why it happens and what you can do about this constant dry and pasty mouth sensation.

Article By
Daily CBD , last updated on November 2, 2021

From pills to gummies, CBD is gaining popularity due to its seemingly endless health benefits. Though CBD products are considered safe for human consumption, it comes with a few side effects.

Whether you consume CBD for medicinal or recreational purposes, these products often result in a dry mouth or what’s known as cottonmouth. Here’s why it happens and what you can do about it.

Illustration of a dessert. Dry mouth concept.

Why Does CBD Cause Dry Mouth (CottonMouth)?

Though CBD causes minimal side effects, it’s impossible to disregard the fact that this cannabis product is responsible for the most common adverse effect – dry mouth.

For some, dry mouth can last for a couple of hours or until the effects of the CBD wear off.

Cannabis Affects the Salivary Glands

The dry sensation occurs when the CBD products inhibit the secretion of saliva in the mouth.

The CBD oil alters how the salivary glands respond and prevent them from secreting the regularly required amount of saliva in the mouth. This results in irritability and pain on the tongue and mouth, making you feel more thirsty.

Presence of Impurities 

Impure CBD can contain toxic byproducts, causing severe health hazards. These impurities can irritate the mouth and lungs, leading to cottonmouth or irritation of the mouth and throat.  

If you’re experiencing severe dry mouth, itchiness, or swelling of your mouth and throat — visit a doctor immediately; this is not a normal side effect of CBD.

Incorrect Dosage 

Numerous food safety agencies have advised users not to exceed 80 – 90 mg of CBD daily for healthy adults. Exceeding this can cause side effects like cottonmouth.

Related: CBD Dosage Calculator


Different CBD forms result in various side effects. For instance, smoking or dabbing CBD can damage your lungs and cause sore throat, severe coughing, and dryness in the mouth for some users. 

Using Sprays & Tinctures 

CBD-infused sprays and tinctures are applied directly into the mouth and quickly reach the salivary glands, causing dry mouth.

Using these CBD forms more frequently can cause an unpleasant stinging sensation and burns, in some cases. 

Vape Inhalation

Vaping CBD is much safer than smoking as it produces less toxic byproducts. However, the thinning agents and flavoring additives used in vaping oil pose serious health hazards.

When vaped, these harmful additives may result in cottonmouth, severe cough, and lung injuries for some users. 

What Can I Do About Dry Mouth From CBD?

Experiencing dryness in the mouth and throat after ingesting CBD is quite common. It often doesn’t take much CBD consumption to induce this adverse effect. Heavy CBD users may experience a constant dry mouth effect, which can be highly annoying.

Preventing cottonmouth is better than having to combat it when it happens. Here are a few remedies that can help de-escalate this unpleasant experience before it escalates.

1. Stay Hydrated

The best way to reduce or prevent the offset of cottonmouth while using CBD oil is to consume plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Also, drinking other hydrating liquids immediately before, during, and after consuming CBD can help mitigate this annoying issue to a certain extent. Drinking warm herbal teas can keep you hydrated and prevent an irritated or sore throat. 

2. Increase Saliva Production

Using toothpaste and lozenges that promote saliva production can help mouth dryness. Sucking on hard candies or lollipops is also helpful. Taking demulcent cough drops will create a moist film coating on the mucous membranes and prevent dryness in the throat and mouth. 

3. Chew Gum

Opting for CBD-infused chewing gum is one of the best and innovative ways to include this supplement in your diet. The CBD gets absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the capillaries present in your tongue. Most natural CBD gum supplements do not contain artificial ingredients and are flavored with peppermint essential oil and xylitol. 

Another method to effectively cure cottonmouth is by chewing gums that contain xylitol. This natural sugar helps stimulate the salivary glands and increases the production of saliva in the mouth.

These CBD chewing gums are available in different potencies, so stick to the recommended dosage to avoid this effect. 

4. Try Another Form of CBD

When using CBD, opt for topical or oral consumption instead of vape or smoke inhalation. Numerous CBD products are available that do not require vaping or smoking. This protects your lungs and prevents harmful components like carbon monoxide from infiltrating your bloodstream.

Ingesting CBD capsules, oils, and edibles is less harmful and prevent dryness in the mouth and sore throat. Also, CBD gels, lotions, balms, and creams can prevent CBD from causing the dry effect in the mouth, as it only acts on the site of application.

5. Eat Fruit 

Fresh citrus fruits like orange, pineapple, or lemon can help eliminate dry mouth. Some individuals claim that drinking pineapple juice has helped. However, you can try different fruit juices to find out which one is effective for you. 

Chewing on dry fruits, beef jerky, or sucking ice cubes will also help stimulate saliva production and keep your mouth well hydrated, reducing this side effect to a great extent. 

Other Side Effects of CBD

Though CBD has a good tolerance and side effect profile, it’s not free from adverse effects. Generally, CBD products are considered safe for oral consumption or topical application. In some cases, it can cause mild side effects.

Patients on medications such as blood thinners need to be careful as CBD can interact with different medicines and cause adverse reactions. 

Here are some of the most common side effects of CBD.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Some users experience indigestion or diarrhea while consuming CBD.

This unfortunate symptom happens when the oil affects the gastrointestinal tract, leading to diarrhea. Such individuals need to monitor their medical history while using CBD. 


Since CBD is an excellent treatment for insomnia, it’s no surprise that users experience sedation or drowsiness while taking CBD products. It’s advisable to adjust your schedule and try taking it before bed. 

Low Blood Pressure

Consuming higher doses of CBD can lower blood pressure. This can be risky for individuals diagnosed with low blood pressure or those on medication for high blood pressure.

When this happens, you may feel dizzy or lightheaded. Drink plenty of fluids and lie down to help stabilize blood pressure if this happens to you.

Avoid moving around too much. If you faint, you could seriously injure yourself or others.


Some users may feel nauseous while ingesting CBD products. This varies based on the amount of CBD you consume and how sensitive your body is to CBD oil.

Summary: Does CBD Cause Dry Mouth? 

CBD can cause dry mouth but be it over-the-counter or prescribed, CBD supplements can cause adverse reactions if not used as recommended. Usually, the benefits and side effects of CBD are unique for each individual.

Adjusting your dose, chewing gum, eating fruit, and staying hydrated are just a few ways you can help or prevent cottonmouth.

As the body type of each individual is different, the cure won’t look the same for everyone. What works perfectly for one CBD user may not function the same for another. You need to consult your physician before you start consuming CBD supplements daily to minimize unwanted risks. 

To avoid severe side effects from impure CBD, purchase your CBD supplements from a certified source. This is the only way you know your product is pure, potent, and will give you the benefits you’re after.

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